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Who is Umut Nur Sungur?

After graduating from TED Ankara College and Middle East Technical University she completed her masters degree on Actuary at Hacettepe University. She spent 15 years in corporate life and worked for different  international companies. 
After working in bancassurance bussiness and being in corporate life for 15 years, in search for meaning and her core values her path crossed with art in 2013. Art is her main occupation since then. She studied under Turkish oil painting artist Ertuğrul Ateş and she studied with artist Enver Gürsev, University of the Arts London in July 2019. She currently continues her art education journey in the Plastic Arts and Painting Master's program at Yeditepe University Faculty of Fine Arts.
She also gives workshop on art. The workshop consists of two parts; first part she discusses and talks about art "Is Art; a need, a tool or a value?", about its importance and it place in our lives and its links with therapy, meditation, mindfulness. In the second part the attendants perform painting altogether.

In December 2019 her artwork submission to the 9th Annual "All Women" online art competition has been chosen for online exhibition and awarded with "special recognition". 

She is a member of Business and Professional Women Maiden's Tower association and the head of the International Relations Committee. 


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